Online options for ϲapp students
We offer robust online learning opportunities for students at the elementary and secondary levels. Please see below for an overview and connect with the appropriate contact for more information.
Grades K-8
- Students in grades K-5 choose from a variety of online learning tools, including Moby Max.
- Students in grades 6-8 access coursework on theImagineEdgenuity platform.
- 6-8 students access Imagine Edgenuity by enrolling at the
Contact: For students in grades K-8, please contact Kate Baehr or 360-676-6470 ext. 6424
Grades 9-12
- 9-12 courses in BVL are accredited equivalent to (but is different from) most of the courses offered at our neighborhood schools.
- Through ϲapp Virtual Learning (BVL), students learn independently through an online curriculumwith support from ϲapp Public Schools teachers and other staff.
Contact: For students in grades 9-12, please contact Bethany Barrett.
BVL Handbook and frequently-asked questions:
BVL is an ideal environment for a motivated learner who seeks the independence of completing coursework that runs parallel with the ϲapp Public Schools high school curriculum, wants to learn asynchronously, and work remotely.
ϲapp Virtual Learning (BVL) is an online learning program of the ϲapp Public Schools. BVL provides instructor-supported online courses to high school students working remotely. BVL courses are not the same, but are similar to high school courses offered at BPS high schools.
BVL classes are taught through the learning platform Imagine Edgenuity. BVL courses are asynchronous. Asynchronous means that students move through courses at their own pace and are not bound by scheduled class periods. Students are expected to log in and complete course work daily. To earn credit in a BVL class, students must complete 100% of assigned coursework.
BVL is a choice-based Alternative Learning Experience. Each BVL student is assisted by a BVL support teacher. This support teacher manages each student’s Washington State Learning Plan. BVL supp0rt teachers provide encouragement, pacing guidance, help to monitor and report progress, and support to facilitate student success. Students are expected to maintain regular weekly contact with their BVL support teacher.
Successful BVL students are confident, motivated, independent learners with strong reading, study, note taking, organizational, and technology skills. It is important to note that online courses are not for everyone. Students will need to schedule time to work on their courses in order to be successful. Students who struggle with time management, course completion and self-motivation may not find success with BVL coursework. Imagine Edgenuity provides translation, closed captioning, speech-to-text, and transcripts for many lessons. However, students who are significantly behind grade level in reading may struggle to complete the academic content on their own.
BVL students benefit from the support of their families. Families are welcome to reach out to BVL staff at any time. Families should plan to assist in monitoring their child’s progress in coursework by requesting weekly progress reports and regularly reviewing progress inside their child’s Imagine Edgenuity account alongside their student. Please encourage your student to participate in the BVL supports offered by our staff.
Register for courses with your home high school counselor.
Allow around a week for your registration to be processed.
You will receive a phone call to set up an orientation with your BVL support Teacher.
At your BVL orientation meeting students will:
- check out a school district laptop if they don’t already have one
- learn how to access school district email
- learn how to use the Imagine Edgenuity Platform and how to track progress
- decide a schedule and mode for weekly communication with BVL support teacher
- decide which courses to start focusing on
For log on instructions and links visit:
BVL Students register for 2 –8 BVL courses per semester.
Home high school counselors help students choose BVL courses.
Home high school counselors register students for BVL in collaboration with the student and consult from the family and school support team.
Registration and enrollment decisions are best made as a team, and your home high schoolpersonnel including school counselor, IEP teacher, MLL teacher and otherswill help.
Please see the BVL course list and additional information here:
BVL is an , which our state defines as public education where some or all of the instruction is delivered outside of a regular classroom setting. These programs are governed by state law.
Washington State requires BVL students and BVL support teachers to:
- Have a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP)
- Maintain weekly contact with their instructor(s)
- Make adequate progress in their online classes.
Please see more about these three requirements in the sections below.
All BVL students are required by law to have a unique learning plan. The WSLP includes the requirements of the student, state standards, learning targets, performance objectives, timelines, certificated teacher information, and instructional materials used. The WSLP must be signed by the student, a parent/guardian, and school counselor or principal before a student may begin BVL.
- BVL uses Imagine Edgenuity platform as instructional materials for all courses.
- The learning targets, state standards, timelines and certificated teacher information will be written on the WSLP.
- All BVL course descriptions are provided in the BVL course catalog.
- Individual course syllabus, course schedule and coursework are available within Imagine Edgenuity and available for each course via the student’s Imagine Edgenuity account or printed upon request.
Students enrolled in BVL are required to have weekly contact with their BVL support teacher.
Examples of weekly communication:
- An assignment/test/activity submitted to an instructor and feedback received from instructor.
- Email exchange with BVL support teacher
- Phone call, Teams, Zoom or in-person meeting with BVL support teacher
- Electronic exchange with instructor via text message or ParentSquare message.
Adequate, regular progress in BVL courses is required to maintain enrollment.
Adequate progress BVL means regular, on time completion of coursework AND weekly contact and communication with BVL support teacher and/or BVL course teacher(s).
Coursework and courses are expected to be completed by due dates.
Students should expect to engage in their online courses for several hours per week, at least as often as in-person classes meet.
If a student does not make adequate progress, the student’s BVL support teacher will write and share a Student Intervention Plan with the student and family. Students are required to discuss this Intervention Plan with the BVL support teacher and make adequate progress to remain enrolled in BVL.
Barring a special circumstance, like medical emergency, if a student does not begin to show adequate progress, the student will not be able to remain enrolled in BVL.
Students are expected to complete all courses they are registered for within the same semester they are registered.
To earn credit, students are expected to complete 100% of assigned coursework.
Progress in online courses is monitored weekly and monthly.
Student progress is viewable from inside the student’s account.
Parents can request to receive a weekly automatic progress report from Imagine Learning.
Additionally, BVL support teachers evaluate student progress each month. Students, family, and home high school counselors will receive this monthly progress report via email from BVL. Adequate, regular progress in BVL courses is required to maintain enrollment.
Adequate progress BVL means regular, on time completion of coursework AND weekly communication with BVL support teacher and/or BVL course teacher(s).
Coursework and courses are expected to be completed by due dates.
Students should expect to engage in their online courses for several hours per week, at least as often as in-person classes meet.
If a student does not make adequate progress, the student’s BVL support teacher will write and share a Student Intervention Plan with the student and family. Students are required to discuss this Intervention Plan with the BVL support teacher and make adequate progress to remain enrolled in BVL.
Barring a special circumstance, like medical emergency, if a student does not begin to show adequate progress, the student will not be able to remain enrolled in BVL.
Students are expected to complete all courses they are registered for within the same semester they are registered.
To earn credit, students are expected to complete 100% of assigned coursework.
Families are critical partners with BVL teachers.
- We request families actively read weekly reports and stay on top of their BVL student's progress.
- Make sure that your student has internet access. They can
- Set up a family portal and learn how to check in on the BVL student's progress through the course, grades, and communication with BVL instructors.
- Read communications from BVL teachers and encourage BVL students to participate in available student support and extra help.
- Assist the BVL student in planning for course requirements, setting up a comfortable workspace, and following daily routine and organization system.
If a BVL student is placed on a Student Intervention Plan, this indicates that something is not working for the student with the online program. Please contact the BVL teacher and the student's high school counselor and problem-solve with them and the student.
Students register for BVL courses through a conference with their home high school counselor.
Students in online courses move through the coursework asynchronously and at their own pace while maintaining on-track progress for the semester in all courses they are registered for.
Delivery of class lessons and most communication between students and teachers happen electronically through the Imagine Edgenuity platform and email.
Like an in-person class, there is a state-approved curriculum through which the instructor guides students during the course of a semester.
BVL courses follow a pace similar to in-person classes, and each BVL course requires regular daily participation.
Generally, students will need to work in their online coursework an amount of time equal to what is required for successful completion of an in-person course.
An online course may provide greater flexibility than an in-person class, but an online course is not necessarily easier than taking an in-person class.
Students earn credit by completing 100% of a course.
BVL students are registered by their counselor for 2-8 courses per semester and have the opportunity to register for more courses if all registered courses are completed prior to the end of the semester.
A typical pace for a full-time student is to complete 8 courses per semester. A full-time student, registered at the beginning of the semester will work about 1-2 hours on each course each weekday.
It is recommended that students focus on no more than two or three courses at a time.
Students and families should contact their BVL support teacher right away when students are struggling.
Students earn grades when their course is completed. These grades appear in Skyward only after the course is completed.
If students need to drop or withdraw from a course, students should communicate with their home high school counselor and their BVL support teacher.
Drop = if dropped within 1st 2 weeks or registration in class
W = withdrawing from course or program between 2-4 weeks of registration in class
NC = if course is completed 0-49% at end of semester
INC = if course is 50%-99% complete at end of semester. INC is replaceable with a grade. INC becomes NC after 2 semesters.
If a senior (student in grade 12) has achieved 50% of course with a grade of 60% or more, then the senior student can receive partial credit.
BVL Percentages and letter grades:
A: 93 - 100%
A-: 90 - 92.9%
B+: 87 - 89.9%
B: 83 - 86.9%
B-: 80 - 82.9%
C+: 77 - 79.9%
C: 73 - 76.9%
C-: 70 - 72.9%
D+: 67 - 69.9%
D: 60 - 66.9%
INC (Incomplete): 59.99%
NC (No Credit): 0.00
Note: all assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, etc. must be attempted prior to awarding credit using this scale.
Each student is paired with a BVL support teacher.
Students communicate with their BVL support teacher weekly and monthly about progress, goals, accomplishments, supports, and planning.
BVL support teachers and the teachers of BVL courses offer many individualized student supports, including video, phone, email, and in-person conferences. BVL support teachers can be reached via email, phone, or ParentSquare direct message.
All students enrolled in BVL courses are ϲapp Public Schools students and are accountable to the policies of our school district. A full list of policies pertaining to students is available at
Use of electronic resources is guided by our policy and procedure 2022. We expect our students to be good digital citizens when interacting with each other and with our staff. We have more information about digital citizenship in our 1:1 technology resources handbook online.
Academic integrity and honesty are as important in online courses as they are to in-person classes. Students enrolled in a BVL online course are expected to conduct themselves honorably with regards to their academic work. This includes, but is not limited to, refraining from all forms of cheating, including academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Violations may result in loss of credit on assignment or for the entire course. Violations will also result in parent/guardian contact and documentation in the student's discipline file. Repeated violations of academic dishonesty or extreme cases may result in further discipline such as removal from the BVL program.
For more information regarding cheating and plagiarism, see our district policy 3240. Excerpts are below:
- Cheating, plagiarizing, or turning in another person’s papers, projects, electronic-generated products as one’s own work or enabling misrepresentation to occur is a violation of ϲapp Public Schools rules.
- The inappropriate use of electronic devices to give/obtain answers or to promote or aid in cheating and/or plagiarism or other forms of dishonesty is prohibited.